Monday, October 27, 2008

Week 2 of Observation of MicroAqurium

Food was added to our aquariums this week. There doesn't seem to be that much change in the intial apperance of the aqurium but after looking at the subject through the microcope you can see the organisms living in the aquarium.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Botany Term Project

On October 14th, my 9:05 Botany class began a MicroAquarium experiment. This process was started by filling our miniature aquariums with water samples taken from various places. I selected the water from container #7. Water from container #7 was extracted from the bottom, middle, and top layers of the water and transferred into my small aquarium. We then added some plant parts to our water. With the help of a microscope, we then observed the aquarium and the microscopic organisms inside. The organisms in my aquarium were moving versus stationary. The movements that I saw were squirming, worm-like movements. The organisms I observed were non-green and most seemed to stay in the lower region of the aquarium.